

Ans.  Most books on contrarian investing devolve into distressed investing or deep value Investing, which I believe entails higher risks.  My goal is to invest with a margin of safety to reduce risk.  Intrinsic value investing is about identifying depressed investment opportunities, not distressed ones.  This book helps to distinguish between the two.

Most books on value investing consist of formulaic approaches such as buying low PE stocks (which a computer can do more efficiently and cheaply than humans) or textbook approaches such as buy companies with competitive advantages. While relevant, they still miss the biggest point – how exactly does one go about doing so when everybody is after the same thing – won’t such companies be bid up already?

The goal of a fundamental research analyst is to find companies that are advantaged but such advantage is not in the price, so one can arbitrage the difference.

This book is not an academic textbook but a practical handbook where fundamental research techniques are brought alive with real world examples. The book also provides a series of classic but counter-intuitive principles and litmus test questions so the reader can apply them while researching any investment opportunity.  In other words, the book does not feed you fish but shows you to catch the fish.

Last but not the least, most books focus on how to pick the winners. This book pays equal attention to how to avoid the losers.

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