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Preview of Book
“Non-Consensus Investing”
Chapter 01
How my passion became my profession
My personal and professional lives are so highly intertwined, it is impossible to discuss one without the other.
Chapter 02
“And” not “Or”
In investing, conventional wisdom dictates that you can have either high returns or low risk but not both.
Meet The Author
Everything about me is “Unconventional”
My upbringing, career and investment approach can all be described in one word – “Unconventional”.
Unlike most kids, who grow up hearing fairy tales, I grew up on stock stories. My dad owned a stockbroking business and I heard him talk to his clients from home. I was enthralled with markets and couldn’t wait to get started.
Conventional Biography
Rupal Bhansali served as the chief investment officer & portfolio manager of Ariel’s multi-billion dollar international & global equity portfolios. She is a rare woman of color to have broken through the glass ceiling on Wall Street and was among the 2% of female portfolio managers to solely manage a mutual fund in the US*. She is a passionate stock picker and author of the book “Non-Consensus Investing” which describes her unconventional approach to investing.

“Global Equities Leader of the Year” Award
Bonhill Group, 2022
“Top 100 Women in US Finance”
Barron’s 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023
“North American Industry Leadership" Award
100 Women in Finance, 2019
“Legendary Contrarian”
CNBC, 2021
“Unconventional Thinker”
Wealth Track, 2017
“Global Guru”
Forbes, 2009
Non-Consensus Career Advice
A Special Message from Me to You
As a global equity money manager, I have traveled extensively around the world—from far-flung islands in Indonesia to manufacturing hubs across Europe, from poverty-stricken Pakistan to glitzy Dubai, and from capitalist America to communist China.
Everywhere, I encountered people, practices, and cultures that seemed vastly different from one another. But on reflection, what my travels really revealed is not how different we are, but how similar: the same aspirations, if not the same ideals; the same values, even if not the same religion; the same basic human needs, wants, emotions, and vulnerabilities, even if expressed in different forms.